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Jasenka Gojšić

Strohalov prilaz 7

10010 Zagreb - Croatia

Tel: +385 98 452 134 

Isoropia d.o.o. is a privately owned company, established in 2007 to enable a balanced career for its owner and to promote an authentic way of living and working among those who seek their own way or are passing through major transformational points in their lives. The company provides support in personal, organizational and community transformations by training, facilitating, consulting, and participating in projects which fulfil the deepest desires of individuals and groups of people.


Isoropia provides support to individuals and organizations in two ways. One way is to organize workshops that discover the strengths, dreams and ways of how to create a person's and a collective's desired future (neither fixing deficiencies nor solving problems). The second kind of support is to provide training programmes for the new competences needed for efficient collaborations in network organizations. 

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